ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom,
Canada and Her other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the
Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith

To all to whom these presents shall come – Greeting

WHEREAS the Provincial Government wishes to designate the month of July as National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada Automotive Heritage Month as a way to publicly acknowledge the present and past contributions of Canadians to the economic, social and cultural development of British Columbia, and

WHEREAS the collector vehicle community continues to play an important role in the economic, social and cultural political life of British Columbia, and

WHEREAS British Columbia is home to many individuals who restore, modify, display, drive and collect historic vehicles while representing and learning from other traditions, and

WHEREAS fostering an appreciation of automotive heritage leaves a legacy of understanding and enjoyment for future generations, and

WHEREAS recognition and respect of automotive enthusiasts encourages richer encounters between automotive enthusiasts worldwide and between Canadians and other British Columbians, and

WHEREAS it is believed that all residents of British Columbia would wish to observe July 2018 as Automotive Heritage Month, a month that acknowledges the essential role of the National Association of Automobile Clubs of Canada to the success of our province; and July 13, 2018 as International Collector Car Appreciation Day in British Columbia;

NOW KNOW YE THAT, We do by these presents proclaim and declare that the month of July 2018 shall be known as

“Automotive Heritage Month”

and July 13, 2018 shall be known as

“International Collector Car Appreciation Day”

in the Province of British Columbia.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have cause these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our Province of British Columbia to be hereunto affixed.

WITNESS, The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of Our Province of British Columbia, in Our City of Victoria, in Our Province, this twentieth day of April, two thousand eighteen and in the sixty-seventh year of Our Reign.


BC Automotive Heritage Month Proclamation 2018